Axminster Carpet

Royal Axminster Specifications:

Construction 100% Cutpile Axminster
Yarn Composition 80% NZ & UK Wool, 20% Nylon 6,6
Pitch per Inch 7
Rows per Inch 8
Pile Height ca. 7mm
Total Thickness ca. 9mm +/- 0,30mm
Pile Weight ca. 34oz/y2 (1152g/m2) +/- 1,5oz/y2  (50g/m2)
Yarn Count R660 Tex / 2ply
Total Weight ca. 54,5oz/y2 (1850g/m2) +/- 1,5oz/y2 (50g/m2)
Warp Cotton & Polyester
Weft PP Backing
Latex Fray resistant latex compound
Carpet Classification BS7131
Fire Classification BC EN ISO 13501-1:2002
Flammability BS4790
Abrasion Resistance PD 6527:method 17:1990
Dimensional Stability in water BS4682
Color Fastness to sea water BS EN ISO105-E02:1996
Thickness loss under static loading BS4939:1987 (2003)
Thickness loss under dynamic loading BS ISO 2094:1999 (2005)
Tuft withdrawal force BS 5229:1975 (2003)
Tensile Strength BS EN ISO 13934-1:1999
Non-Hazardous AZO Dyes EN14361-1
Non-Hazardous 4-Aminazobenzene EN14361-1

Inherently Colorfast and Stain Resistant